by Sonia Weirich | Mar 21, 2021 | Meditation, Pain Relief, Yoga Therapy
Guided Meditation Exploring the Pain (Adapted from Pain Meditation III by Stephen Levine) Let your body settle into its relaxed comfortable position. Bring your attention to the breath. Feel the body expanding and softening, in tune with the breath. Bring attention to...
by Sonia Weirich | Mar 21, 2021 | Meditation, Yoga Therapy
Guided Meditation Opening Around the Pain (Adapted from Stephen Levine’s Pain Meditation I) Relax into your body. Bring awareness to the breath. Feel the body expanding and softening, in an oceanic rhythm, in tune with the breath. Bring awareness, to the area of...
by Sonia Weirich | Mar 22, 2020 | Meditation
What can we do when we are experiencing fear? 1. Become more present. Ground your awareness in the present moment by connecting with your body, breath, and the environment you are in. 2. Release thoughts and feel more. Let go of what your mind is telling you and sense...
by Sonia Weirich | Mar 22, 2020 | Meditation, Wisdom
The Yoga Sutras state that all of our suffering comes from false identification. What does this mean? We take the untrue to be true. We identify with our thoughts, our emotions, and our body, and we presume this is who we are, but is this who we are? Are we not...
by Sonia Weirich | Feb 4, 2020 | Meditation, Uncategorized
Take awareness to the center of the head. Feel the whole head filled with the starry night sky. Rather than the head full of thoughts, feel the head as spacious and expansive as the starry night sky. Release into that state of expansion. Whatever thought arises to...